If you are interested in setting up a trade, please read these rules first.
Be nice (obviously)
Please send me your whole list - No 'this for that' trading
The person who initiates the trade sends their links first
My links will expire after a while, if you need the link again let me know
Don't reuse my links please - they are for your use only
Ask for specific Videos/Audios
I don't sell Videos - I only trade or gift
This should go without saying - I don't trade NFT Videos - Please don't offer me NFT Videos either!!
I trade unfairly for my Wants - Have a look and tell me if you have any of my Wants!!
Should I accidentally send you a broken link, you can choose another one and I will gift you a Video
For Gifts: See my Gifting Policy below
Normal Trading Ratio:
1 Video = 1 Video
1 Audio = 1 Audio
1 Video = 2 Audios
1 Audio = 1 Highlight
Gifting Policy
I only gift to people who want to be part of this community!!
I only gift to people who have made a list (no matter how small)
Send me your list with your original message!!
Your list should be on a google doc, a website or Encora
Contact me and ask nicely
I normally gift 1 Video and 1 Audio to newbies
Ask for specific Videos/Audios
I reserve the right to refuse
It might take longer for me to send the links - trading takes priority!!
Feel free to contact me with any questions :)
Tell me your favourite show or actor so that I know you've read my gifting policy!